Sunday, June 15, 2008

Just a heads up - you could be flogged!

apparently female masturbation is far more harmful than male masturbation according to islam and could lead to death by flogging if confessed to.

wow - I didnt mean to put a damper on Egypt or Islamic culture - not all people are like this I just found this video a bit eye opening.


Anonymous said...

Interesting videos. I still would like to know what a "light beating" is, and what person can only learn by beatings. The masterbation one cracks me up. What knutz (who is not a masochist) would willingly confess if they knew they were going to get beaten?!?

steph said...

yea exactly! you should see this movie taxi to the darkside - it was about how the military and CIA tortured people from Iraq and Afghanistan. Apparently the tactics they used may be common to these cultures but I think we should be smarter than that